MamboJazz Academy
Hello dear Salsa Family,
In September we open our long awaited MamboJazz Academy, specialising in Salsa New York Style (also known as Salsa On2 or Mambo).
Classes are structured with our MamboJazz learning concept in 3 levels. We start with Level 1 and two groups of Level 2. In 2025 we open level 3 as „master class“ for invited students.
All classes are taught by Manu & Jasmin – 2 teachers for the best learning experience for LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS! It is important for us to highlight, that in our classes followers get the same attention and learning quality as leaders.
Level 1 – Mondays:
For dancers with basic experience in Salsa On2. Also for dancers with at least 1 year experience in other Salsa styles (Cuban/ On1) who want to learn Salsa New York Style. Not for absolute beginners (see below our intensives for beginners). You need to be confident in: Basic step in Salsa, Crossbody lead, single right & left turn for leader and follower with and without partner.
Mondays 20:30 – 22:00 Uhr
Studio 1: Zentnerstraße 39, 80798 München
Level 2 – Wednesdays:
For dancers with confidence in the Salsa On2 timing & rhythm, essential basics of lead & follow technique, basic turn technique (single turn) and basic partnerwork figures in Mambo (see learning concept Level 1). If you consider yourself as „intermediate“ or „advanced“ Mambo dancer, this level is for you. We practice and improve essential partnerwork, turn technique and bodymovement and top up with new steps and movements (see learning concept Level 2).
Wednesdays (2 groups – same content):
19:00 – 20:30 Uhr
20:30 – 22:00 Uhr
Studio 2: Amalienstraße 81a, 80798 München (Task Schauspielschule)
Salsa NY absolute beginner Intensive Workshops
For absolute Beginners we offer intensive workshops. In 3 hours you learn the essential basics of Salsa NY-Style. These basics are required to enter our Level 1 regular classes. For more details see our MamboJazz Academy learning concept.
Next dates:
Sa. 15.09.24 from 15:00 – 18:00
at Studio 1 (Zentners. 39, 80798 München)
Preise und Leistungen
Sei dabei und melde dich jetzt an per Email an: mambojazz.munich(at)
Registration without partner possible. We rotate partners and assure a good lead-follow balance. Anyway, ask your friends or family to join you in this great activity!
Participation only with registration. Limited spots!
Registration possible until 2 days before each Workshop. If you want to register later then that we can only offer you a spot, if the lead-follow balance allows it.
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit dir zu tanzen!
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